Thursday, November 1, 2012

Don't Fear A Broken Heart

In our pursuit of love, sometimes our hearts are broken as we ache inside for the person who rejected us, our minds recalling the good times as we hurt over the bad times, especially those bad times that led to the breakup of the relationship.

We try to find ways to mask or deny the pain, but it never goes away, at least not for an extended period of time. But how can we triumph if we have never known pain, especially in our quest for love. And each time, we grow from the experience, wiser in our pursuit of a new love, or perhaps the recurrence of our old love, as that person so dear to us returns.

When I was 19, I dated an 18 year old girl and I was crazy about her. I thought she was crazy about me. Then one night, she gave me a birthday gift, and afterward the gift still in my hand, she said goodbye. I was stunned when she explained she was returning to her longtime boyfriend and that there was no place for me.

I was heartbroken and promptly took her home, barely a word spoken between us. After that, I dated one young lady after the next, but each time my thoughts returned to my lost love. About two months later, I was with a friend of mine when we went to a florist so he could send his girlfriend a bouquet of flowers for Easter.

At that moment, I decided to send my lost love some flowers as well and did. After hearing nothing, about a week later I ran into her on the college campus where we both were students. She said she received the flowers and they were beautiful.

I asked about her relationship with this other young man, and she said it was over. He had broken it off. Mustering my courage, I asked her out and she accepted. That was more than 48 years ago. This young lady Anne, has been my wife for 47 years.

When you are in love, sometimes complacency sets in. But when you have lost that special someone, and get him or her back, you appreciate all the more what you have. Yet even if that person never comes back to you, with time you will discover your heart is resilient and you will find someone who will love you for who you really are, and with that love, this person will capture your heart.



Evelyn said...

Enjoyed this personal and yet universal experience! Anne must be a very special person as are you.

Dick Kazan said...

Thank you Evelyn. I very much appreciate your comment.