Sunday, October 21, 2012

What Women Want

If you want a long-term happy marriage from a wife devoted to you and your well-being, please note these tips and implement as many of them as you can.

Women want someone who is sensitive and kind and patient with them. They want someone who is a good and caring listener, as they speak of their feelings, feelings for their families, and about events in their lives, including their careers.

Women also need to feel attractive and need someone to regularly reinforce their self-esteem. They don't need someone to tell them they are fat or to flirt with other women, acts that undermine their self-esteem.

Most women are nurturers and need to feel they really matter to their loved ones. And they need to feel their homes are secure, which is fundamental to their nesting instinct. If you are in a long-term dating or live-in relationship, give your significant other a sense the relationship is really going somewhere and not just one to satisfy your needs, while taking her for granted.

Women can look into our eyes and listen to the tone of our voices, and know a great deal about us. Few of us men are so observant or reflective. But if you will use these tips and offer an abundance of hugs and "I love yous," become more thoughtful and a much better listener, you could find in one woman the magic you have sought all of your life.


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