Tuesday, October 23, 2012

What Men Want

If you would like a happy and loving long-term marriage, as a man I offer you the following insight into men that you will find very helpful.

Because most of us men see ourselves as breadwinners, we dream of what we hope to achieve in our careers. The wisest of us realize we need a supportive partner to achieve those dreams, and wiser still are those among us who recognize the need for love and family, which is the most important measurement of success.

But for many immature men, their needs are simple. They want sex from women, but in addition, they want all the things their mothers provided to them: someone to fix their meals, wash their clothes, clean their homes, take care of them when they are sick and handle their other domestic needs.

In any case, most men don't want anyone to nag them or as so many women do, try to change them.

Many men strive to be alpha males. Commonly they love sports, big trucks, fast cars, pornography, and in many cases want to brag about sexual "conquests." It can be a lot to bear for many woman.

Some men also eat and drink in excess because the world doesn't judge them on being slender, as it unfairly judges you. They do however want to think of themselves as masculine, powerfully built and their fragile male egos often need reinforcement from you that they look good.

Being an alpha male is so important to the egos of some men, that male political leaders often load up on military weapons in the name of "national security" and threaten other nations for supremacy.

In the second 2012 U.S. presidential debate, remembered not for its ideas but for its revealing body language, the president and his chief rival kept walking at each other almost like chimpanzee trying to establish male dominance.

Most giant corporations are headed by men, and they are run as private clubs, offering women little or no opportunity to rise to the top. And when cigars are a lit, which are really male phalanx symbols, it is almost always men who light them, as they project upright from their mouths.

Because some men feel a need to control women, in many societies, they restrict women's rights to vote, to own property, to advance their educations and to attend religious services and they even limit what a woman can do with her body.

But despite this primal behavior on the part of some men, there are plenty of good men that don't conduct themselves this way. Instead, they are sensitive and caring men who will strive to meet your needs and be devoted husbands and fathers, and bring home a reliable paycheck.

You can attract this caliber of man if you set your mind to it, and realize that you are special, have a great deal to offer and that you deserve someone who will respect you and treat you accordingly.


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