Thursday, August 30, 2012

Love Is Seeing Beyond The Wrinkles

As one ages, the skin wrinkles, gray comes into the hair and more bodily aches and pains occur. But to one's lover, these elements are incidental for the eyes can see and the heart can feel the timeless beauty within that very special person who has always been so captivating.

It is a love felt between two lovers sometimes without a word being spoken. It can be expressed as a touch, a look, a hug, a gentle kiss, a smile, and each of these acts speak volumes. There is a comfort born of familiarity and yet the relationship keeps evolving, no longer what it was but with the promise of becoming something even better.

It is a desire to be together, understanding each other's feelings and enjoying those magical moments of shared bliss or of tiny instances that pass in seconds. It is to savor long-time memories and to create new ones.

It is to express a compliment or offer words of comfort, just when they are most needed. It is a mutual presence that prevents the pangs of loneliness, as only the deeply satisfying love of another can do.

With time, wrinkles appear and the gray hair and aches and pains come. But the hearts of two lovers rise above such petty concerns, enraptured with the joy and fulfillment in their devotion to each other.


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