Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Love Is To Be In The Moment

Life is but a series of moments, moments we so often apathetically let slip away, thinking there will be other moments, other times to enjoy. But in fact, all we have is this moment and it calls to us to be lived now.

This afternoon (7/15/12), I have been with Anne, listening to her, and enjoying her company, as I appreciate being with her. After 47 years of marriage, if she was no longer with me, I would miss her terribly, and would wish we could have had more time together. Today that wish was granted, we have more time together and I am making the most of each moment.

Also this afternoon, my Uncle Gene called and how nice it was to hear from him, even though we just talked less than two days ago. First he spoke with Anne and then me and as he spoke, there was no television or computer on, no distractions as he had my full attention.

He is 85 years of age and I am 67, and like everyone else, we don't know if we will be here tomorrow. As he described a restaurant he and Aunt Eleanor entertained their guests in last night, I was pleased to listen, especially hearing the happiness in his voice. These moments in our lives will never come again and we make the most of them while we have them.

Recently, a gentleman I know from the gym, after 56 years of marriage lost his wife to cancer. He is terribly lonely without her, and yesterday (7/16/12) was lamenting the often lengthy times his career had taken him away from her and how patient and understanding she was with him.

He wishes they could still be together and he treasures the time they had, for he realizes that time and all of its love and joy and sense of purpose is irreplaceable. And he holds her strongly in his heart, a heart that aches for her, wishing for a few moments more.


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