Monday, December 24, 2012

Becoming Santa Claus

One of the great joys of Christmas, whether you are a Christian, as is my wife Anne, or Jewish as I am, or of any other religious affiliations, beliefs or non-beliefs is with love in your heart, to bring a little magic to children.

I fondly recall in the 1970's how Anne and I reveled in the exhilaration of our three little boys, each of whom was so excited that Santa would soon visit. The boys and I would sit down with a world globe in our hands and we would discuss where Santa was at that very moment, delivering gifts to children.

Shortly afterward, Anne and I would tuck them in, and it was all they could do to go to sleep, as the excitement of Santa arriving in our living room with gifts for them was almost overwhelming. After they dropped off to sleep, Anne and I would place their gifts under the Christmas tree.

The next morning, we would be awakened by their excited glee, laughter and high pitched little voices, as they looked under the Christmas tree. They were barely able to contain themselves through breakfast, until they could open their gifts and play with them.

For Anne and me, it was marvelous becoming Santa Claus. But you may not want to participate in such activities, particularly if like me, you are not a Christian. However, if I may suggest, there are many little children who would love to receive a present for Christmas but for any number of reasons no such present will await them.

You could become their Santa Claus by making a charitable contribution or simply dropping off a toy with one of the charities collecting donated toys. This simple act, your religious beliefs aside, could bring joy to a child's heart, and joy to your heart as well.

Note: Thank you to "Love is ..." for their cartoon today entitled "... being Santa" which helped to inspire today's piece.


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