Sunday, December 23, 2012

Do You Have The Time To Express Your Love?

"There just isn't enough time," to do all the things they want to do people say in their rush to get things done in life. But life comes back to priorities. For example, if you get cancer, I assure you, you will have the time to deal with it or it will deal with you.

And when they date people they find attractive, most people have plenty of time to call or send love notes or flowers, for the love they feel dominates their thoughts. But once they marry and settle into married life, the ardor cools and expressions of love are sacrificed to other priorities.

Yet everyone greatly appreciates kind words of love expressed regularly. For love is magical and it is the very essence of our lives. It is why we marry and in most cases, it is why we have children.

Yes, we need to earn a living, but the need to love and be loved is as vital as the air we breath and the food that touches our lips. For love is our reason for being and it is what we seek within the deepest part of our souls.


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