Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Love Is Life's Purpose

The love, joy and warmth of another person, that is what we live for. If you doubt this is our purpose, try to envision your life with anything less.

To have no such person is to feel the periodic pangs of loneliness even in a crowd as one's heart seeks that special person it so very much needs.



beachfnt said...

Tom Hanks looked happy with that volleyball :-)

Dick Kazan said...

Dear Reader,

This comment is from my son Kyle and it refers to Tom Hanks' character in the movie, "Castaway," (2000) in which Hanks' character is in a plane crash over the ocean and for years he lives on a deserted island.

While I laughed when I saw Kyle's comment, the volley ball he refers to was Hanks' character's only companion and as the writers showed us, having someone in our lives, if only a volley ball is essential.

When the volley ball was later lost at sea, Hanks' character risked his life to try to save it, and when that failed, he cried intensely.
