Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Listening With One's Heart

It is very easy to be critical of others, especially to be critical of those closest to us. But we would do them and ourselves a huge favor by not jumping to conclusions when a hurtful mistake may have taken place and instead, listen from the heart.

In feeling love for another, the intent is not to strike at them but to understand what happened and why. And patiently listening with one's heart is the best way to find out. For if this is done, valuable lessons can be learned and amends can be made, especially when forgiveness may be offered.

The wisest among us know to make allowances for the weaknesses in others for all of us have various forms of those weaknesses, and we have our own transgressions that haunt us. 

So rather than demanding our definition of perfection in others, let us wisely attempt to forgive their mistakes, in a form we would ask of them for ourselves, as we listen to them with our hearts.


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