Sunday, August 19, 2012

Does Romance End With Old Age?

In the movies and television, and plays, books and magazines, rarely do we see people in old age involved in romantic relationships. We do however see them in ads for bladder, prostate and erection problems, as if these ads defined their lives. As it is portrayed, with time, people lose their beauty and intense attraction as they age and wrinkle and supposedly no longer have the interest or vitality for romantic love. All of this is ridiculous!

People of every age have the capacity and desire for romantic love. In old age, feelings grow rich with memories and wisdom allows us to see and understand each other far beyond the limitations of superficiality. I am 67 years of age, Anne is 66 and we have been married for 47 years. She is more beautiful now than when we first met as teenagers and we thoroughly enjoy our intimacy in all of its forms.

We knew a couple who were 96 and 94 when he passed away after 73 years of marriage. To the end, they were romantic and loving with each other. She is now 98 and in the most loving of ways, thinks of him as her romantic beau.

In addition to sex, intimacy takes various forms. A caress, loving words, a hug and a kiss, snuggling in bed, a special smile across a room, someone to share all that life has to offer, and to be there each day, the warmest of companions.

Being in love at any age begins with a romantic state of mind and it touches the heart of another who treasures being desired, respected and loved.


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