Friday, August 17, 2012

Be Flexible In Love

Life is often about give and take, and this is especially true in how we treat those we love.

When our loved ones upset us, it is very easy to surrender to anger and frustration, and lash out. In our anger, we may see things as right or wrong, black or white when often they are in shades of gray.

Instead of being demanding and rigid, we must be like a palm tree flexible enough to sway in the breeze, rather than be a piece of rigid steel stuck like a target in the sky, as we address the circumstances that present themselves.

We must also remember that we too are not without our own flaws and that we have often made mistakes we regret, and rely upon the kindness of others, such as our loved ones, in overcoming them.

In resolving our issues, we must feel understanding and forgiveness within the depths of our souls, for if we instead resort to ultimatums and threats, we may say and do things we later regret. To understand and forgive is not weakness but strength for it takes great courage to accept and resolve issues that cause us immense pain.

Ultimately, when love is flexible, plentiful and unconditional it can withstand the most powerful of forces and bring the greatest of joy.


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