Thursday, April 23, 2015

Don't Wait, Give Your Love Now

We assume there is always time to give our love to another and so we postpone expressing how we feel. And then one day:

That person is no longer with us and we can't express it at all.

Don't wait. Do it now while you have the opportunity and bring the joy that only an expression of love can offer into that person's life.

Author Unknown

Inspired message received 4/23/15 at 9:07 am

This message was inspired in part from the movie, "Lust for Life," (1956) about the great painter Vincent Van Gogh in a conversation with his brother Theo, in which Vincent laments not having expressed his love for their late father.

Theo remarks "We assume there is time and we can give love on our own terms. Then one day we wakeup and we can't give it under any terms." (Quote is approximate but very close to the actual quote)

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