Tuesday, December 23, 2014

A Journey Of Unconditional Love

Each of us are spiritual beings in search of growth, and one crucial element of that growth is unconditional love.

That is, our journey is to learn to love one another and to learn to love ourselves.

That may seem easy but it is not, as most people are resentful, jealous and petty, even when it cones to themselves and therefore fail both elements of unconditional love.

We must learn to forgive, and we must learn to open our hearts to all living beings, and recognize our oneness with each other.

Would you like to test your feelings of unconditional love?

Today, tell those people closest to you that you love them. Today, greet everyone you meet with love and goodwill.

Today, look within yourself and recognize that within you is someone deserving of unconditional love, despite your flaws.

When you can consistently do these three things, you will be well on your life's path to unconditional love, and your heart will glow with a sense of fulfilling your destiny.

Author Unknown

Inspired message received 12/23/14 at 9:49 am

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