Saturday, November 1, 2014

With Love: What Example Do We Set For Our Children?

Do we set a loving example for our children, one that makes us proud? Or are we harsh and bitter, judgmental and limited in our kindness and generosity.

Children observe us, for we are their role models. When we hug and kiss and offer words of love and appreciation, they absorb this, it becomes a part of them.

When we are compassionate and forgiving, it guides them to be compassionate and forgiving.

When in a loving way we give them our time and attention, this is what they in turn will do with us and with others as they grow older.

It is very simple.

Give them our time and attention and be loving, forgiving, kind and respectful and we will produce children who will exhibit those wonderful attributes throughout their lives.


Renowned speaker, author, professor Leo Buscaglia (1924 - 1998) in a YouTube video asked, "What model do we set for our children?" This piece addresses that important question.

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