Friday, October 3, 2014

Your Undiscovered Self

So many of us have no idea who we really are. Instead, we measure ourselves by our jobs, by our child rearing, by our money, by our home and by other means that offer us only a partial picture.

Then one day we get laid off at work or the children grow up and leave, and at this stage of our lives we are lost. And we ask, who am I?

The answer to this profound question lies within each of us, it is no place else.

The sooner we ask that question of ourselves the sooner we can find the answer and then strive to become the best of ourselves that we can be.

We can develop all the magic and the wonder that lives within each of us and fulfill our destiny as we become the loving, self-respecting person each of us was meant to be.


This inspired piece was received 9/25/14 at 5:04 pm and it was greatly influenced by a YouTube video of renowned speaker, author and professor, Leo Buscaglia (1924 - 1998)

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