Saturday, September 13, 2014

Seeing Through Compassionate Eyes

Most of us often see the world in a superficial way, one of being judgmental, noting everything others do wrong and condemning them for it.

But what if instead we saw the world from our own humanity, recognizing we all have shortcomings and problems.

It is a simple change in perspective but the results would be profound.

All of a sudden we would become the loving presence that mankind desperately seeks, as through our compassion we become understanding and sympathetic.

Instead of being critical, we offer a helping hand or kind words. Instead of being blind to the pain of others, we touch their hearts with our own.

Through compassionate eyes, the world would become a much different place, one manifest by love and forgiveness each time we are present, present in heart and in spirit.

Author Unknown

Inspired piece received 9/8/14 at 4:14 pm

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