Thursday, October 11, 2012

Depositing Happiness In The Bank

As my mother used to say, "Into every life a little rain must fall." Each of us must bear some pain in our lives but we also have our moments of great joy, moments so bright, that they can light up our lives for a lifetime if we allow them to do so.

I recall in 2008 when Anne, my beautiful wife of 43 years at that time, took a horrific fall and fractured her skull and broke her neck. It was an extremely stressful time. But ultimately she was rescued, I believe by Divine intervention, and today she has completely recovered and is healthy, happy and strong.

But during our time of crisis, it helped to have so much happiness from the past that we had deposited in our memory banks, and could draw upon to help get us through our grief.

Celebrate every good time and laugh and treasure those moments. And afterward, tuck them away so you can recall them, especially at times when your life is caught in a downpour, for that is a wonderful way to find the sunshine again.


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