Sunday, October 7, 2012

Are You Afraid Of Making A Mistake?

So many of us live life as if to make a mistake is like marking a piece of paper with a permanent black marker. Once the mark is made, it can never be erased. And fearful of making such "permanent" mistakes, we hesitate to make any decision at all, continually keeping our options open.

But that is not the way of love nor is it the way to succeed at anything else in life. For we all make mistakes, it is a part of personal growth. And for love to blossom or success to occur in other aspects of life, one must make commitments, even as sometimes those commitments turn out to be in error.

When those committees are in error, we can learn from them and move on with our lives wiser from the experiece. But when we get it right, there is no more rewarding experience than being in love with someone who offers love in return and it is worth every bit the risk of making a mistake, as one finds a little piece of heaven here on earth.


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