Wednesday, August 8, 2012

One Of Death's Greatest Benefits

The realization that each of us will die is a blessing for it teaches us the value or insignificance of what we pursue in our brief lives.

Many people work long hours and pursue possessions far beyond their needs, as they accumulate ever more things they cannot take with them in death.

Still other people go through life almost mindlessly, sleepwalking from day to day, doing little to ever achieve the dreams that slowly die in their hearts.

While there are other people who enjoy their families, giving them plenty of time and attention. And they share love and kind acts of generosity with those in need. Some of these people also seek peace and spirituality and are mindful of nature and all of its beauty as well.

As death approaches, people commonly wish they had more time, and to claim they would do things differently with that time. Yet they had all the time in a lifetime, 365 days a year, year after year to have made other choices with the time they had.

Each day that passes is irretrievable so today is the day to make changes to live the exciting, fulfilling and meaningful lives we deeply desire.


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